Suikoden II - Best Ending

Suikoden II - 108 Stars of Destiny and Nanami/Jowy ending


 I'd been at the end of Suikoden II for a year on my latest play-through but couldn't bring myself to finish it. I've finished it so many times before that this time I was more focused on building my ideal party(-ies), in particular optimizing the rune users. I also wanted to experiment with some characters I'd not used much in the past.

 In the end, safe in the knowledge that I could always return, I took my party of battle hardened rune masters to the end game. Sierra, Rina, Nina, and Tengaar provided the magic power; (Hero) is, of course, a bit special and handles magic and physical stuff; and Victor rounded out the party as a bit of a traditional tank.

Han bet the farm on a good old fashioned one-on-one duel. It didn't go well for him...

Culgan and Seed were jerks until the end. They form a pretty potent combination, with some nasty magical attacks (they attack twice each per turn as well).

After a quick cut scene to see what Jowy's up to (along with Pilika and Jillia), it's time for the final battle against the beast rune.

The big bad packs quite a punch, with some nasty status affecting spells and plenty of power.

Once he's out of the way, it's time to return to HQ. Turning down the offer to lead the new country, the Hero sets out to re-unite with Jowy...

Once the Sword and Shield runes have worked their magic, the conflict is resolved and Jowy and Hero can move on. As they walk away, they're told that (record scratch) Nanami is still alive, it was all an act because she didn't want to be part of the conflict between the two anymore.

So, they rush back to Kyaro and are blissfully re-united. As is appropriate for this sort of story, they then go wandering off into the sunset together. Roll credits...


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