Suikoden II - Best Ending

Suikoden II - 108 Stars of Destiny and Nanami/Jowy ending PSX I'd been at the end of Suikoden II for a year on my latest play-through but couldn't bring myself to finish it. I've finished it so many times before that this time I was more focused on building my ideal party(-ies), in particular optimizing the rune users. I also wanted to experiment with some characters I'd not used much in the past. In the end, safe in the knowledge that I could always return, I took my party of battle hardened rune masters to the end game. Sierra, Rina, Nina, and Tengaar provided the magic power; (Hero) is, of course, a bit special and handles magic and physical stuff; and Victor rounded out the party as a bit of a traditional tank. Han bet the farm on a good old fashioned one-on-one duel. It didn't go well for him... Culgan and Seed were jerks until the end. They form a pretty potent combination, with some nasty magical attacks (they attack twice each per turn as well). After a qu...