Getting into Electron

Looking for something new and interesting , I decided to take my first, tentative steps into the world of Electron . While I'm quite interested in the possibilities offered by Node.js, I've not actually done much with it, so jumping into Electron is that little bit more daunting. I have spent plenty of time with JavaScript /jQuery though, which is th e important thing. First off is the setting up the basic application structure. Each application has a couple of files essentially describing it and lay ing out beha vior and functions , then at least one more file that contains the visible content. The fi rst file, package.json is a basic description of the application that points to the main file that holds the core . package.json 1 2 3 4 5 { "name" : "testapp" , "version" : "0.1.0" , "main" : "main.js" } In this case (and by default IIRC), the core file is named main.js. First o...